Who am I and what am I doing?

These are questions I ask myself frequently, but for the purposes of this blog...I am Tim Baggs, I work in Nottingham city centre for the Royal College of Nursing and I almost always do my commute to work on a bicycle. I cycle for commuting, pleasure, fitness training and competition, riding between 5,000 and 6,000 miles a year. I live seven miles away from the RCN’s Nottingham office and I find cycling is the quickest, most convenient and most cost effective way to commute. For me, it’s by far the most enjoyable method, too – I am rarely delayed by traffic congestion and if the roads are too busy I can cycle along the canal towpath into town instead. In fact, the canalside is sometimes my route of choice because it’s tranquil and free of traffic and stop signals. The 'argh' factor of stopping for a red light just isn't the same as the 'ahh' factor of giving way to an assertive mother duck crossing the path with her ducklings obediently in tow. I’ve cy...