The journey on foot and by tram - Tuesday 19 June

  • Distance: 7.78 miles
  • Journey time: 58 mins 26 secs
  • Cost: £4.00 (Nottingham Express Transit day ticket)
I'm a big fan of the Nottingham tram system, not least because the Toton Lane park and ride station is a ten minute walk from my home, which makes the tram a convenient commuting option. I've also found the service to be unfailingly punctual.

Nonetheless, I did set out on the walk to the tram stop this morning once again wishing I was riding my bike to work instead. Like yesterday, the skies were bright and the temperature was warm.

On the walk up the hill to the station I looked to see what was coming from the exhausts of vehicles passing me, wondering if the visible emissions from some cars and vans are more polluting than the invisible fumes from others. I concluded that they were - especially when an older van went past emitting a lot of blue smoke which blew back towards me. It was the kind of stuff you can't help but smell, even if you try not to inhale it. 

As usual, the tram ride was smooth, comfortable and reliable. The journey time to the stop in Old Market Square, my destination, is around 35 minutes, which, even without the walks at either end of the journey, is longer than my normal bike ride to work and a few minutes longer than yesterday's car journey.

Of course, as a passenger, in contrast to being a driver, I was free to make use of time on the tram. I spent some of the journey looking out of the windows and appreciating that even though the tram route is on or close to some main roads, Greater Nottingham is a remarkably green conurbation. Not for nothing does an oak tree adorn Nottinghamshire's coat of arms.

I also spent some of the journey reading the day's early news and checking work emails, things that are impossible to do if I'm cycling or driving to work, so I reckon there have been some time-saving advantages of an albeit longer duration public transport journey to work of just under one hour.

And, like yesterday, I didn't have to change out of sweaty cycling kit and shower before sitting at my desk at work. I was ready to start working immediately after the short walk to the office from the tram stop.

Tomorrow I'll be commuting using a combination of walking and the Nottingham to Derby bus service.


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